Lets Talk Function – Everythings Connected Osteopathy Presents Workshop For Osteopathy Students
Everythings connected delivers student osteopathy workshop titled "lets talk function"
Everythings connected delivers student osteopathy workshop titled "lets talk function"
Greetings from Everything’s Connected Progressive Osteopathy! If you missed last week’s introduction, here is the gist. Each week we will be giving healthy tips in three areas aimed at informing and motivating you to improve your health. This week will include: Food - Bone broth, one of our absolute favourites! Exercise - 3D lunge matrix including [...]
First in a mini series sharing tips, tricks and knowledge to improve health.
Our modern lifestyle and exercises now largely focus solely on one plane of motion which is movement that nature didn't intend.
Slow the progression of osteoarthritis
Stable Base trainer and owner, Greg Jacobs breaks the myths on strength training!