At Step into Life, we’re convinced that the key to a happier, healthier lifestyle is regular exercise. As a member of Step into Life you will get group outdoor personal training in a fun, friendly and non-threatening environment. We discuss your goals and monitor your progress to make sure they get met. We offer several programs, each of which has been specially designed to help you on your journey, and with dedication and commitment you will certainly reach your target.

  • What was it that first drew you to personal training?

Several things brought me to being a personal trainer at Step into Life. I have qualifications in public health and health promotion so improving peoples’ health and fitness is a passion of mine. I used to be a member at another Step into Life venue and really enjoyed seeing people working out together and having fun while exercising.


  • What do you enjoy most about your job?

I really enjoy seeing the camaraderie that develops between people who were once strangers but become close friends. At Step into Life I try to ensure that members really enjoy the non-threatening group environment


  • Can you tell us about your most rewarding client experience?

I can think of so many but an example of one is when a male joined me. He was overweight, a fairly heavy smoker and did next to no exercise at all. He came to me and struggled to get through an entire session with only walking. He came to three sessions each week and was extremely dedicated to achieving his weight loss goal. In just a few months he had lost some weight and was trying to give up his smoking. A year later he had completely quit smoking, hadn’t had an alcoholic drink in 6 months, had reached his goal weight and ran a half marathon. This was all with the help of Matt at Everything’s Connected (thanks Matt)!!! That’s just one example of why I do what I do.


  • Can you tell us something we wouldn’t know about being a PT?

There is so much more to it than running personal training sessions. The face-to-face time is great. It certainly beats the hours of paperwork that has to be done at a desk behind a computer.


  • What are some of the greatest challenges of the job?

Step into Life sessions are all conducted outdoors, which makes the weather a challenge at times. Imagine, 6:00am on a dark and wet winter morning with temperatures around 3 degrees. That is always a challenge, but when you see all the members turn up and working hard (often in t-shirts and shorts) it really is very rewarding. On the other end of the spectrum we persevere through the heat of summer, but at the end of each session everyone feels a great sense of accomplishment.

Craig Lasnitzki, Personal Trainer at Step into Life

0451 052 262Outdoor group fitness offer