Long live the mess

So it’s 7:30 pm on a Tuesday night and Everything’s Connected saw their last patient about 15 minutes ago. The photos above are the state of the clinic after a full day of busy practise.

As you can see the equipment is everywhere and the place is messier and a worse state than even Matt’s apartment.

As an aside to wondering why the osteos can’t clean up for themselves the team here at EC love this site. It represents all the movement, creativity and fun we try to have with our patients. Being in pain is not a laughing or joking matter, this mess represents the variable environments and movement strategies used by the Everything’s Connected team to get you back to the movements you love. We believe if therapy doesn’t look and smell like your daily activities then a big step in your recovery is missing. You just can’t prepare yourself to climb a mountain or lift a grandchild laying on a table.

This blog post was written by the osteopaths at Everythings Connected Osteopathy.  Everythings Connected Osteopathy is your premier osteopathic clinic located in Camberwell Melbourne on Riversdale Road.  Everythings Connected Osteopathy are osteopaths who use movement to assess and treat musculoskeletal disorders.  At Everythings Connected all osteopaths have nutrition qualifications and are focused on an active treatment and management plan.  Our clinic sees patients of all ages, ranging from children to the elderly.  Common conditions typically presenting to the clinic include sports injuries, osteoarthritic related aches and pains, neck pain, back pain, weight loss and upper and lower limb injuries.  To find out more about us at Everythings Connected Osteopathy, click on the link here.    Everythings Connected Osteopathy is located at 734 Riversdale Road, Camberwell.  We are a short 5-minute drive from Camberwell Junction and a 2-minute walk from Riversdale Road Train Station.    Appointments can be made by calling us on 03 98886176 or emailing reception@everythingsconnected.com.au.

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