Today I thought I’d take this blog opportunity to talk about one of my favourite books. GAPS, which stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome, is written by Dr. Campbell- McBride particularly in reference to Autism, allergies, A.D.D. and other psychological syndromes and diagnosis.

Since being diagnosed with lactose intolerance, where one of the lovely symptoms I experienced were chronic migraines, I have had an interest in gut health and the power good nutrition can have with finding health. This book was and still is a great reference when looking at helping heal the gut lining. It focuses on returning to traditional recipes and methods, such as bone broth, which helps sooth and provide some of the essential building blocks needed in this process. Make sure to read back on one of our earlier blogs; Food of the Week- Bone Broth as we focused more on some of its many benefits.

The book also dives into beneficial fats, which can be a confusing concept that patients can be scared of introducing into their diets with all the vast media and information against fats online. Another essential puzzle to the overall picture is reocculating the gut lining, which is a fancy term for increasing and balancing the natural flora that makes up our microbiome. We can boost this beneficial gut bacteria naturally through fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha, to name a few. In some cases we need to resort to probiotics, which is a supportive strategy we can use when working with our nutrition patient’s in the Everything’s Connected clinic.

The GAPS book is just one of the many books that make up our reading table in our waiting room. It’s a popular read that gets borrowed regularly, so patients have to be fast to get their hands on it.

This blog post was written by the osteopaths at Everything’s Connected Osteopathy.  Everything’s Connected Osteopathy is your premier osteopathic clinic located in Camberwell Melbourne on Riversdale Road.  Everything’s Connected Osteopathy are osteopaths who use movement to assess and treat musculoskeletal disorders.  At Everything’s Connected all osteopaths have nutrition qualifications and are focused on an active treatment and management plan.  Our clinic sees patients of all ages, ranging from children to the elderly.  Common conditions typically presenting to the clinic include sports injuries, osteoarthritic related aches and pains, neck pain, back pain, weight loss and upper and lower limb injuries.  To find out more about us at Everything’s Connected Osteopathy, click on the link  here.   Everything’s Connected Osteopathy is located at 734 Riversdale Road, Camberwell.  We are a short 5-minute drive from Camberwell Junction and a 2-minute walk from Riversdale Road Train Station.    Appointments can be made by calling us on 03 98886176 or emailing

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